My First Live Painting


Image of the completed piece up on displayed at end of the night.


Back in September 2024, I made a Facebook post on a whim. I wanted so desperately to break into the live painting business, I was willing to do it for basically FREE!

The post read something like this:
”Who wants to take a chance on the new live artist? Hello brides! I’m looking for a bride or brides getting married in the next couple months who would be willing to take a chance on a new live artist who has been painting wedding commissions for years! If your interested in an extremely discounted rate for a live artist, Id love a chance to work with you!”

Within 24 hours, Olivea messaged me!
Everything started to fall into place after that!

Liv loved my art style! She was so easy to work with!

Before i knew it, the date was set in my calendar as well, and I was trying to figure out how to do this live painting thing I had just sold my client on!

I started with the basics. Supplies. I didn’t have what I needed to paint a canvas live. I quickly realized I also didn’t have the finances to afford all of the things I felt I needed to be successful in my endeavor.
Who do you call when you need help succeeding? Your mom.

Shout out to my mom for coming through. Not with a hand out! With a commission that gave me the money I needed to buy the supplies I was looking for.

Fast forward to November and I’m driving through the cities on my way to Lakeview for my first live painting.

I got to meet Liv in person. Still as sweet as sunshine.
Finding a connection with Liv was easy!
Every single one of her family and friends, were just as nice!
Like sitting at the Thanksgiving table with your long distance cousins. The conversation is always brand new, but in no way are they strangers.

As I starting to paint, it felt like I had fallen into a dream.
Like is this really my life. Am I really painting at a venue, in nice dress clothes, with all these strangers around me watching me!? It was 1000% of the emotions running through me at once.
I fell in love. I knew I had found the “it” for myself.
I knew I would never be able to stop thinking about this.
I knew I had to make this dream a reality.

I have been fighting to make this dream a reality ever since.


Testimonial By: Liv Louise